Our Story

Why Sky Manager

Let’s face it, the FAA is not getting any more lenient as time goes on. Whether you fly part 121 or 135, there are rules and regulations you have to follow- and most of them revolve around safety.

Safety first. That means your pilots have checked the weather and understand its implications for their trip. The weight and balance has been calculated and the company now has it on file (in case you know who comes knocking), receipts and maintenance has been logged and you’re sure the plane is airworthy… that’s a lot to keep track of.

That’s where we come in. We’ve streamlined the whole process into a simple-to-use and easy to understand program that helps your pilot run through preflight faster and lets your company’s flight followers and pilots communicate and send information back and forth quickly.

Contact us

E-Mail: admin@sky-manager.com
Phone: 1 512 345 6789
Based in: Austin, TX